PRESS STATEMENT: CIAG Calls for Action Against Land Expropriation

The Bill represents a direct assault on the fundamental rights to property that are essential for a thriving, free market economy.

The Cape Independence Advocacy Group expresses profound concern over the recent signing of the Expropriation Bill by President Cyril Ramaphosa. This legislation, which allows for the expropriation of land with nil compensation, represents a direct assault on the fundamental rights to property that are essential for a thriving, free market economy.

This Bill undermines the sanctity of private property, a cornerstone of economic freedom and individual liberty. By enabling the state to seize assets without just compensation, it erodes the trust investors have in South Africa's economic stability, thereby threatening economic growth, job creation, and the prosperity of all citizens.

We assert that the principles of property rights are not merely legal constructs but are vital for fostering an environment where innovation, entrepreneurship, and personal initiative can flourish. The Expropriation Bill introduces uncertainty and fear among property owners, potentially leading to capital flight and a decline in investment, which disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable in our society.

The distinction between this Bill and the amendment of section 25 of the Constitution must be clearly understood by all. While the amendment seeks to legalize expropriation without compensation at a constitutional level, the Bill provides the procedural framework to execute this policy. Both are steps in the wrong direction for a nation aspiring towards economic freedom and prosperity.

We call upon all South Africans to recognize the implications of these legislative changes. The Cape Independence Advocacy Group will continue to advocate for the preservation of private property rights and a market-driven economy, which we believe are critical for the benefit of all people. We remain committed to exploring all avenues to protect these rights, including the pursuit of regional autonomy where these fundamental freedoms can be better safeguarded.

For further information or comment, please contact:

Dr. Joan Swart, Executive member of the CIAG

About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.