PRESS STATEMENT: CIAG formally notifies South African government of intention to lobby in US for Western Cape secession

The CIAG has today written to the President, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, and the Western Cape Premier, formally notifying them of their intention to send a delegation to the US.

The CIAG has today written to the President, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, and the Western Cape Premier, formally notifying them of their intention to send a delegation to the US to meet with US officials and other politically connected persons.

The notification has been made in accordance with legal advice obtained by the CIAG.

The delegation is expected to leave in early April and the CIAG is anticipating a very positive reception. Cape Independence would align strongly with the foreign policy aims of the current US administration, and several comments have revealed that it is already on the US’s radar.

In the notification, the CIAG sets out its objectives in visiting the US, which include both fundraising and diplomatic support for its campaign to force the Western Cape Premier to call a referendum on Cape Independence, as well as contingency plans to hold a private referendum should the Premier continue to refuse to consult the Western Cape people on the matter.

The CIAG asserts that it will be conducting constitutionally protected activities which strengthen rather than subvert constitutional democracy in South Africa, and that it is pursuing Cape Independence legally, peacefully, and democratically.

However, to avoid any future dispute, the CIAG has offered the President, Minister, and Premier seven days in which to make representations to the CIAG should they believe that the CIAG’s proposed activities are not legally permissible.

Date: 17 March 2025

Media Contacts:

Phil Craig

Dr. Joan Swart

About CIAG: We are a non-profit organisation committed to democratically, lawfully and peacefully obtaining independence for the collective peoples of the Western Cape. Support our work: please spread the word, register for our newsletter and donate.