The CIAG has today written to the President, the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, and the Western Cape Premier, formally notifying them of their intention to send a delegation to the US.
In this eye-opening opinion piece, Dr. Joan Swart exposes China’s quiet bid for control over South Africa, with Simon’s Town at the center. Could South Africa be surrendering its sovereignty to China’s rising power?
South Africa stands on a precipice, where the choices made today could define its path for generations
In response to recent US comments on South Africa, the CIAG reiterates the belief that partition is the best solution
A former US Republican State Executive Committeeman provides his friendly and considered response to Joel Pollack on South Africa's future
At the end of 2024, we take stock of the GNU, People's Referendum, Western Cape Devolution Working Group, international events, and more.
Exploring compelling reasons behind the Cape Independence movement and international parallels
A Threat to Regional Stability and Economic Health
African Lessons in Governance Reform
Lessons from Rwanda