The Government of National Unity and the Doomsday Coalition are not the only two options for South Africans
PRESS STATEMENT: CIAG to release white paper on 2024 elections, invites media and interested parties to an online briefing
WC voters will, once again, not be governed according to their democratic will. 8 out of 10 voted to remove the ANC.
OP-ED: SA is desperately hoping that 3 previous ANC leaders cannot work together, because if they can, we are in deep trouble
LETTER: CIAG discusses the post election environment and the implications for Cape Independence
When rulers lose touch with the people, revolution is quickly in the air.
A fearless leader who doesn’t mince his words.
The political situation in the Western Cape has become untenable. The DA is not going to call a referendum on Cape Independence without being pressured into doing so.
PRESS ARTICLE: DA have done a good job in the Western Cape. Why would the CIAG be saying vote against them?
POSITION PAPER (2024 Elections): Why the CIAG says, if you want Cape Independence "vote AGAINST the DA in 2024". Introduces the 'Referendum Party'