Reliable coalition partners must recognize that their primary duty is not to their party or themselves but to the people they serve.
The Government of National Unity and the Doomsday Coalition are not the only two options for South Africans
PRESS STATEMENT: CIAG to release white paper on 2024 elections, invites media and interested parties to an online briefing
WC voters will, once again, not be governed according to their democratic will. 8 out of 10 voted to remove the ANC.
OP-ED: SA is desperately hoping that 3 previous ANC leaders cannot work together, because if they can, we are in deep trouble
LETTER: CIAG discusses the post election environment and the implications for Cape Independence
When rulers lose touch with the people, revolution is quickly in the air.
A fearless leader who doesn’t mince his words.
The political situation in the Western Cape has become untenable. The DA is not going to call a referendum on Cape Independence without being pressured into doing so.
PRESS ARTICLE: DA have done a good job in the Western Cape. Why would the CIAG be saying vote against them?